Friday, 6 May 2011

Officially can celebrate a successful job contract awarded to us by the Municipality "Tervel" a month ago. We are pleased thatjustified the confidence that our community vote. Also, for a very short time we made the Holy See for the newly built church in our hometownFamily and business council decided half the value of the HolyAltar to be donated to the church and thus wish it long to serve thecity and its inhabitants.We are honored that left few of us in the holy place.
Happy Church "G. Pobedonosets" of Tervel!

Thursday, 28 April 2011


We faced the challenge to take a more unusual request that afteralmost a month and work organization is the finish line, but will tellmore later (of superstition).
6 people were needed to load the marble block (over 400 kg).

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

New in April

2011 season started with a few new models tombstones of Bulgarian marble wich will be included in the catalog of company.

 And one in the draft

Friday, 18 February 2011

Two years later

Two years after the launch we can offer this:
We started from here