Monday, 31 December 2012

In The New Year

Be healthy, striving, creative, laughing, inspired, willing, doing, happy, winning, knowledgeable, receiving, giving, forgiving, in-itself-believers.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Garden Pots

In the yard, in the park or the front of building, a pot of flowers will always result in at least one smile or positive thought.

Why not fill the fountain with flowers?

Sunday, 15 July 2012

The fountains and their summer grace

July this yea is sultry. Let cool our souls with some lovely pictures of the fountains.

Trevi Fountain - connects thre streets (tre vie) in the center of Rome, where he received his name

Another fountain in Rome  - The Ugly Boat (La Barcaccia)

Villa d'Este - Cultural Heritage

Villa d'Este Fountain - UNESCO Cultural Heritage

And Two Fountains in Plovdiv

Friday, 15 June 2012

Bust-monument of Dimcho Debelyanov - an amazing Bulgarian lyricist

These days the Stones Rumo began work on a special order - making a bust of the amazing Bulgarian poet Dimcho Debelyanov. Implementation and outcome, we will be able to tell is not long after, in one of the summer months.
Now comes a few sentences Bulgarian history. Very tight - a fresh breath of the soul.

Debelyanov was born in Koprivshtitsa (March 28, 1887) with little name Dincho. Later he lived and studied in Plovdiv and Sofia. His life is very demanding and accompanied by many hardships. Somewhere around his 19th year (when I was in Sofia), began to appear in his works a number of literary journals. Infinitely talented Debelyanov remains rated and is not an option in life, to find a worthy place in the Bulgarian literature.

He died on September 30, 1916, as captain - in the battle against the British during WWI. He was buried in the yard of the Bulgarian church in Demir Hisar (Valovitsa, modern Greece), and later, his bones were brought home in Koprivshtitsa (his death remains shrouded in secrecy, arguing that Dimcho is sacrificed, but by whom and why the story, for now, does not disclose).

Name Dimcho Debelyanov bear:
sea ​​cape of northwestern side of the island, Robert, Antarctica (the name "Cape Debelyanov" officially delivered on August 12, 2008);
Many schools in our country - in Belene, Blagoevgrad, Varna, Samokov, Ihtiman, Sofia and others.

And this spring in the courtyard of the museum Dimcho Debelyanov Koprivshtitsa were planted a few trees - cherries, has become a tradition over the past few years.

With over ...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Bench of marble/ granite

I'm siting on the stone bench, and I want to be forever in May. Earth seems as a paradise. It is wonderful! I feel the coldness of the marble. After two months the bench will be collected much summer heat and will not think that sitting on the stone. I feel like in heaven, I keep thinking about its inhabitants, Adam and Eve and heavenly life. Where there was this Paradise? Would it be enough for all of us today if Adam and Eve were left in it? We say that good people go to heaven. Interestingly Heaven in the afterlife? Adam and Eve in the afterlife you have lived or Heaven after Eva's transgression is "locked" for mere mortals, that their days are? ...
A beautiful bench! For a moment take me away ...

Go to Benches and Tables on our site.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


New monument models from white marble. 
Soon you can find them in Tombstones Section  of our website.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The original of the fire

Nature is generous and has given us a part of the sun. Yes, about the fire I’m talking. People were blessed with knowledge in very early times, to be able to enjoy it. Did you know that the ancient inhabitants of the earth (New Stone Age, 7th century BC. BC) have enjoyed homes with fireplaces? Probably the latter were simple, but the fire, I guess felt just as comfortable as the marble fireplace in a Louis.
It is wonderful when if we can have home with it - but a real fire in a real fireplace, and not one of the dummy image fireplace with remote control and adjustable rate of fire.

Go to the Fireplaces from our site.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Time for a legend

Photografy of the skulpture: model S-01

I'll tell you a legend. For Pegasus. Why to him? Well, why not. He was insanely beautiful, white and fly around. Pegasus Helicon lived in the woods. This same forest where Zeus reigned and where the Muses lived. Narcissus remember him? The spring, which is mirrored also been Helicon.Still, the story was about Pegasus. Its name means well, because according to legend, where stamped with hoof fountain with clean water.
Poseidon, god of the sea, fell in love with Medusa - guardian of thetemple of Athens. Once Poseidon seduced Medusa inside the temple of Athens as she realized very angry and cursed Medusa to live alone on the island of the Gorgons. Turned it into a horrible monster with snakes instead  hair and terribly face. And anyone wholo oked at her face turned into stone.
When Zeus son Perseus killed Medusa Gorgon,  Pegasus out of the Medusa blood. He flew to Helicon where the nine muses cared for him.
Years later, Athens found Pegasus and gave him to Belerofon. Along with the horse gave him a golden bridle that can tame him. The two were inseparable friends. With Pegasus, Belerofon defeated thetriple-headed monster, Chimera. Belerofon puffed up by theirsuccess and decided that must reach the abode of the gods - Mount Olympus. But Zeus punished for his arrogance Belerofon andseparated by Pegasus. Pegasus became favorite horse of Zeus.
Pegasus became friends with Perseus. If you have forgotten, this was the son of Zeus. Once, while riding over the Mediterranean Sea, they saw a beautiful maiden chained to a rock, and country of snake is cooked to eat. The girl was called Andromeda, the daughter of Ethiopian Queen. To protect Ethiopia, the Queen conferred inJanuary offering to the sea queen. Perseus rescuedAndromeda and soon the two were married.
Athens gave to  Pegasus Gold bridle to be able to fight evil. Later took him to Jupiter, where Pegasus pulled the chariot.
Goddess of the dawn, Aurora, also sometimes rode Pegasus in order to be able to shift the onset of night to day.
Pegasus was loved by the gods. As a reward for faithful service Zeuscreated a constellation of the winged horse in the ninth heaven on earth.

See for more skulptures.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

White Marble Monument (Hunan Classic White Marble)

A headstone of the autumn import - material: Hunan Classic White Marble, dimensions: 90x70x6 cm with precise engraving of a pair of doves on branch.
In our website you can find the model under P-30 made from Black granite (Shanxi Black).

Monday, 6 February 2012

We performed the last goal set for 2011 - to expand its activities and to offering our services in England. Since December 2011 we started business in London.
The site has added new models of tombstones.