Friday, 15 June 2012

Bust-monument of Dimcho Debelyanov - an amazing Bulgarian lyricist

These days the Stones Rumo began work on a special order - making a bust of the amazing Bulgarian poet Dimcho Debelyanov. Implementation and outcome, we will be able to tell is not long after, in one of the summer months.
Now comes a few sentences Bulgarian history. Very tight - a fresh breath of the soul.

Debelyanov was born in Koprivshtitsa (March 28, 1887) with little name Dincho. Later he lived and studied in Plovdiv and Sofia. His life is very demanding and accompanied by many hardships. Somewhere around his 19th year (when I was in Sofia), began to appear in his works a number of literary journals. Infinitely talented Debelyanov remains rated and is not an option in life, to find a worthy place in the Bulgarian literature.

He died on September 30, 1916, as captain - in the battle against the British during WWI. He was buried in the yard of the Bulgarian church in Demir Hisar (Valovitsa, modern Greece), and later, his bones were brought home in Koprivshtitsa (his death remains shrouded in secrecy, arguing that Dimcho is sacrificed, but by whom and why the story, for now, does not disclose).

Name Dimcho Debelyanov bear:
sea ​​cape of northwestern side of the island, Robert, Antarctica (the name "Cape Debelyanov" officially delivered on August 12, 2008);
Many schools in our country - in Belene, Blagoevgrad, Varna, Samokov, Ihtiman, Sofia and others.

And this spring in the courtyard of the museum Dimcho Debelyanov Koprivshtitsa were planted a few trees - cherries, has become a tradition over the past few years.

With over ...